

That was my introduction into how much companies were spending to produce videos.

Back when I first started my career, my company produced a really nice video about the financial crisis of 2008. When someone mentioned the price tag, my jaw hit the floor.

But that wouldn’t be the last time I would be shocked at how much money was being paid to deliver basic corporate videos.

There is no question I understood the value of being able to communicate a message via video, but the price tag was something I could never get over.

I felt I could figure out how to do these videos with the only expense being equipment, which I could get at a fraction of what it took to produce one video externally.

So I started doing research on the video production process.  After countless hours of research (well north of 100 hours; maybe 200) and running into many roadblocks of useless information and tutorials, as well as giving management a “what do you have to lose?” speech on letting me do one myself, I got the chance to put everything I researched into practice.

Long story short – we started producing all of our videos in-house; saving the company tens of thousands of dollars every year.

What I’ve realized is that I’m not the only one who is shocked at the cost to produce a video for your business.  But very few people have the time and/or willingness to put the hours upon hours of research into figuring this out on their own. 

Fast forward nearly 10 years and with the experience of countless videos behind me, I decided to start sharing what I learned over the years to help make your learning curve a whole lot easier than mine.

Are you ready to learn everything you need to know to start creating professional videos for your business?

Learn tips and tricks to help bring your video marketing concepts in-house.

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