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Video Round-Up: September 2019

A monthly collection of video-related news and articles.

Why All B2B Brands Will Be Media Companies in the Next 5 Years

Until recently, mainstream media was responsible for dictating the content our country consumed en masse. From books and television to movies and magazines, trends came and went in what felt like huge waves. While this is still partially true, our culture has shifted dramatically over the past decade. Today, our culture is dictated by the Internet.

As with most things where there are two main competitors – you’ll find your Premiere supporters and you’ll find your Final Cut supporters.

Source: Wistia

Quick Text Animation Tutorial in Premiere Pro

A tutorial on how to do text animation in Premiere Pro. I also show how to add blur and make the animation smooth.

Source: Adobe in a Minute

How to Get Started with Video Marketing: 13 Industry Experts Share Their Top Tips

The power of video marketing is undeniable.

Almost half of consumers now say they watch five or more videos online every day.

But, even more importantly, video drives action and purchase behavior. Deployed right, it can be used as part of a strategy to develop awareness, engage your audience, and drive consumers to take action.

Source: Promo Blog

Workshopping Your Way Out of Video Production Problems with a Small Budget

At Wistia, we’re no strangers to working within the constraints of a small budget to make our videos come to life. For small and medium-sized businesses like us, we think knowing how to creatively solve video production problems will give you the confidence you need to start making more videos yourself!

Source: Wistia

10 Video Marketing Statistics for 2019

If video marketing is the future, then the future is here. You’re at the right place if you’ve been wondering whether it’s worth putting your mind and money into video marketing. Do you have enough resources to create videos? Are enough people in your target audience interested in videos? And in the end, will it be worth the effort? In short: yes.

Source: Oberlo

Why You Should Build Your Brand with Video

Over the years, making business more human has been at the heart of everything we do here at Wistia. From the very start, we’ve tried to get this message across by making our own videos in our office, often on a shoestring budget.

Source: Wistia

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